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Welcome to Entrepreneurship and Social Research Center - Cameroon

Promoting entrepreneurship, quality research practices and an on-the-move inclusive community of idea filled people, is the base line of our existence. Research is the backbone of innovation, and entrepreneurship goes hand in glove with innovation

Learn more about us

Culture is key at ESRC Cameroon

A team is only as disciplined as its members… So is a family only as happy as its members.

We focus on culture and making what we do, become what we love.


To develop an entrepreneurial community backed by quality research and innovation.


To create a web of interconnected resources. Knowledge, finances, and people.


We value hard work, Accountability and Ambition. Our values are the root for our internal culture.

Collaboration is the beginning of Cutting-edge Growth

Completely gain access to resources, beneficial relationships and a rich network of intellect and genius. cultivate one-to-one mentor-mentee habits and develop robust ideas. Benefit from top notch information and insight into the entrepreneurial climate of Cameroon

Remain plugged in

Keep up with the frequent workshops, conferences and symposiums and by so doing, remain plugged into the system. learn as you grow and teach as you learn.

  • Conferences
  • Workshops
  • Symposiums
Start Creating Entrepreneurial Impact Today

Everyone has something to offer!

Learn something new or teach something new. Let’s build an innovation driven community.

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